How did you decide to move into food logistics, specifically in the hospitality and catering sector? I was running a design and build company when I won a contract to work on Westminster Council Schools. Every time I went to the school site to inspect the work, I would see big lorries, delivering food, parked on double yellow lines getting tickets. I often wondered to myself … [Read more...]
Prizes for masking poetic licence
We are looking for people to bring poems to our readership outlining the need for all in hospitality to adopt wearing face coverings while at work. We hope to share smiles behind mask wearers encouraging peers to do the same, protecting colleagues and customers from the further spread of Covid-19. All you have to do is compose a few lines, as many or as few as you like, and … [Read more...]
Hospitality Face Mask Procurement comes of age
Nine months ago face masks would not have been on the to do list for most people in hospitality procurement teams, today they will be on most. Disposable face masks were the easy first option for finding something quick, but being disposable means they of course need to be disposed of. The Government provides stringent guidelines for safe disposal of disposable face masks … [Read more...]
Dark Kitchens adapting to temporary foodservice
With so many restaurants moving to delivery, Dark Kitchens also known as Ghost Kitchens and Cloud Kitchens continue to thrive as a solution to growing demand on food delivery services. They are also a wider solution to wider change. Covid-19 has brought many changes and seen hospitality adapt to meet new market conditions, Dark Kitchens have grown to meet that demand. The … [Read more...]
Dial in on safe and sustainable hospitality
As hospitality continues to adjust and develop from lockdown, safe hospitality is at the top of all customers priorities in selecting where to enjoy some hospitality. Venues providing hospitality are as a consequence looking for ways to reduce multiple points while continuing to deliver a valued hospitality experience. Restaurants, pubs and bars have created a wide … [Read more...]