For the vast majority of consumers health and safety is their number one priority, and it always has been according to Abraham Maslow.
First impressions count and are made very quickly.
Do we like the cut of someone’s jib is almost instantaneous, and sticks. Within the first few seconds of meeting, people develop a solid impression and research suggests a tenth of a second is all it takes to start determining traits like trustworthiness.
These first impressions count more now than ever before, the market is smaller and getting part of it will make all the difference to balance sheets.
People want to see and know that all safety measures that can be taken to mitigate contagion from Covid-19 have been taken.
One of the most visible ways to communicate that your hospitality venue is taking every safety measure possible to ensure the safety of guests and colleagues is by wearing face masks.
Hospitality has always been about detail and attention to detail is what sets many of the names in hospitality out.
Combating Covid-19 entails detail and every detail possible is being applied to make hospitality safe for customers to return to.
One of the most visible ways of communicating that those details are being applied is through the simple measure of wearing face masks.
This is not normal at venues that provide hospitality but normal went out the window just over three months ago.
It’s hard to know what the new face of hospitality will look like, but in all likelihood consumers will favour hospitality where service is wearing a mask.
To find out more about face masks for hospitality and how they can make your venue more attractive to customers complete the form below for more information.
First hospitality impressions count – 6 July 2020 – First hospitality impressions count
Reopening: Measure twice cut once
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