The government has allowed operators in many areas such as retail, hospitality and pubs to reopen with a common sense approach to mitigating Covid risk. And at the same time it has also effectively allowed completely unregulated access to many public areas such as beaches and parks where there is zero Covid risk mitigation happening.
One could argue increased risk through this funnelling of people into these unregulated spaces, instead of allowing access to spaces and activities run by responsible operators who have a vested interest is in ensuring a safe environment for their teams and customers, just doesn’t make sense.
So why are the government not allowing spas and gyms to re-open? It appears they are particularly concerned about two main areas, communal changing facilities and gyms.
How would any operator mitigate against risk?
The answer is the same as lots of other areas that are already open and in operation. Limiting capacity is key, for example I have two 200 square meter gyms at Pennyhill and South lodge which I can limit to 8 people an hour ( pre booked of course) to enjoy 50 minutes access and then a thorough clean down by the team and go again, also incorporating all the lovely outside spaces we have.
Hosting classes outside and providing guests and members with some great Technogym on demand content and live virtual classes. Yoga Mats as an extra facility in guest bedrooms.
Enhanced cleaning and frequency of cleaning including sanitizer stations and anti-bacterial wipes for guests and fogging machines will already be part of our daily lives.
We can simply not use our changing rooms, hotel guests coming over already changed in bathrobes or gym kit and members arriving already changed. Toilet facilities can remain open with the same cleaning regimes as with every other area.
Swimming pools and Thermal cabins can have controlled access as well, and by the way chlorine kills everything. We have protocols on place for the safe handling of towels including PPE for the staff washing at over 60 degrees and once again enhanced cleaning in all of these areas.
Manicures and pedicures we already have acrylic screens, face masks for our teams, and a well-rehearsed hand washing ritual designed for our teams and guests to enhance the experience.
We have thermal temperature checks in place for all team members and guests, we have enhanced Covid training for all team members , we have risk assessments covering every area, we have re thought the customer journey and reduced our capacity to ensure social distancing can be in place at all times.
The government has been pushing health and wellbeing which is our core offering.
In short Spa operators like us can and will provide a safe environment so please let us open and soon.
Danny Pecorelli, Managing Director, Exclusive Collection
Reopening: Measure twice cut once
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Why can’t spas reopen? – 30 June 2020 – Why can’t spas reopen?