Leadership is about many things and amongst them communications is at the Top of most lists. Showing where your heart is, for many is difficult and the attempt to do so can often be misinterpreted, so it’s also a risky strategy.
Accor CEO Sébastien Bazin recently recorded the message above to the circa 300,000 people in more than 100 countries worldwide who work with Accor. In it he states: “I want to make sure we continue being who we are: we are open, we are very welcoming, and we are extraordinarily caring towards each other.”
We think his openness is extraordinarily caring towards all those who work with Accor, showing where his heart is and leadership when it is needed most, in times of crisis. He certainly took a risk, but we think it paid off, so we hope you enjoy watching and listening, even if like us you don’t work with Accor.