Following Boris Johnson’s statement yesterday advising Londoners not to visit pubs, bars and restaurants in order to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, D&D London announced today the temporary closure of all its UK restaurants with effect from the close of business.
Des Gunewardena, Chairman and CEO of D&D London commented: “We fully understand the need to play our part in defeating the spread of Coronavirus and the safety of our staff and customers is of course of paramount importance. And we have had to similarly close our restaurants in New York and Paris. Nevertheless it is a desperately sad day for us and for other UK restaurants who also face closure. Our number one priority now is to work closely with government bodies to ensure that the welfare of our staff and their families is managed through this period of uncertainty. We hope the government steps up to the challenge.”
D&D London owns and operates restaurants in London, Leeds, Manchester, Paris and New York and the 80 bedroom South Place Hotel in London.
This is the second such announcement we have had to make in 30 minutes this evening relating to hospitality closures and COVID-19, two too many.
We would like to send our very best wishes at this time to all at D&D London.